Great minds Cofty. :)
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
They are all dead!
by Sour Grapes inthe watchtower company and the jdubs talk so nonchalantly about the year 1914, the year they say jesus became king in the heavenly kingdom.
they talk about the year like it was just a short time ago.
the invisible king began ruling in the invisible kingdom.
They are all dead!
by Sour Grapes inthe watchtower company and the jdubs talk so nonchalantly about the year 1914, the year they say jesus became king in the heavenly kingdom.
they talk about the year like it was just a short time ago.
the invisible king began ruling in the invisible kingdom.
The Fall Guy
The cult's calculation of the generation which "saw all these things" was once worded as being any Bible Student/JW (not worldly person!)) who was old enough and spiritually aware of the significance of that year, as is seen in the first reference below. The other references confirm the "truth" which the faithful slave fed to J.W.'s
This would imply that a Bible Student (soon to be a JW) would have to have been at least 12-14 years old to be cognizant of the events unfolding in 1914 - making their year of birth 1900-1902. There are not that many 116-118 year old JW's living near me.
*** w78 10/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers - Jesus said “this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.” Which generation is this, and how long is it?
“Based on the Bible and its fulfillment in history, Jehovah’s Witnesses (not the Bible!) have often pointed out that Christ’s prophecy was to have two applications: First, between 33 C.E. and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.; second, a larger fulfillment in this “time of the end” since 1914 C.E.......Thus, when it comes to the application in our time, the “generation” logically would not apply to babies born during World War I. It applies to Christ’s followers and others who were able to observe that war and the other things that have occurred in fulfillment of Jesus’ composite “sign.”
w51 6/1 p. 335 par. 10 - “Bible chronology told us that these events were due to start A.D. 1914. The Watchtower has repeatedly published this date with proof of its Scripturalness, the first time being in 1880, thirty-four years in advance. Hence our generation is the generation that will see the start and finish of these things, including Armageddon.”
w53 2/15 p. 124 par. 35 - “The generation that began to see these things in 1914 will witness the final accumulated judgments of Jehovah God, though some individuals who are part of this generation may die before the end of this world’s system of things takes place.”
w62 3/1 p. 132 - “This generation of mankind that is hearing the good news of God’s kingdom and that saw the beginning of world sorrows in 1914 would also see the end of those sorrows in this world’s destruction.”
w69 2/15 p. 101 - “However, there are people still living who were alive in 1914 and saw what was happening then and who were old enough that they still remember those events.”
ml p. 24 par. 35 - “At Job 24:1 we read: “The day of reckoning is no secret to the Almighty, though those who know him have no hint of its date.” (The New English Bible)
The Fall Guy
Yup, Mr. J.F. Rutherfraud decided to amend the fulfilment of Isaiah's prophecy by coming up with an even catchier name than boring old "Christians."
(Isaiah 62:2) "And you will be called by a new name, Which Jehovah’s own mouth will designate."
(Acts 11:26) "...and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called
ChristiansJ.W.'s."The IBSA name never got discarded though.
EMDR Therapy Anyone?
by Brian J intwo+ months into marital counseling for my wife (pimi) and i (pimo).
wife after decades of marriage decides for the first time to bring up separation due to, drum-roll please...... absolute endangerment of spiritual life.
a spouse may constantly try to make it impossible for the mate to pursue true worship or may even try to force that mate to break god’s commands in some way.
The Fall Guy
In what way does your wife feel "spiritually endangered?" Have you informed her of some of the WTBTS's "inconvenient truths?" Such information would scare her!
Ask your wife if her cult has removed this scripture from their Revised New World Translation -
1 Corinthians 7:13........if a woman has an unbelieving husband and he is agreeable to staying with her, let her not leave her husband.
Questions to be answered/asked by JW Bible students
by The Fall Guy inpotential recruits of the cult known as jehovah's witnesses/wtbts will eventually be asked the following two questions as they hand over every aspect and control of their lives to the org;.
on the basis of the sacrifice of jesus christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to jehovah to do his will?.
do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of jehovah’s witnesses in association with god’s spirit-directed organization?.
The Fall Guy
Potential recruits of the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses/WTBTS will eventually be asked the following two questions as they hand over every aspect and control of their lives to the org;
On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?
By your clear and affirmative answer to both questions............bla, bla,bla.
Such potential victims should ask JW's the following two questions before they even consider starting a study with them;
If I get baptised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, will I be expected to discontinue friendships and social events with people who are not Jehovah's Witnesses?
If after getting baptised I raise any serious doubts with other JW's regarding doctrinal and/or organizational topics, will I be chastised in some way by other JW's?
By your clear and affirmative answer to both questions, I wish to cease any contact or association with you and your denomination.
The Fall Guy
Many happy returns Stan!
I hear that you've got the body of a 25 year old; if the local police check your chest-freezer, you're in big trouble! :)
Solicitors Visit Update
by pale.emperor inin case you're not aware of my last two threads:.
the situation that arose in that my mother has been having secret access to my daughter and refusing to tell me how she is:
the build up to my solicitors visit:
The Fall Guy
Bloody brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now your ex-wife knows exactly where she stands - and she can give the good news (tm) to your mother.
Well done P.E.
Solicitors Appontment Tomorrow - Advice Appreciated
by pale.emperor infollowing up on this thread:!#5179106934128640.
im seeing my solicitor tomorrow to see about getting an order in place making sure any contact my daughter has with my jw family goes through me and not my ex-wife.. explained the situation briefly to the lawyer, she was asking more and more about why should i be concerned if a jw had access to my child.. i mentioned the blood issue, the shunning, the inappropriate pictures of armageddon in books/mags etc.
do you think i should bring in watchtower literature to show them what i mean?
The Fall Guy
Hi PE, my sincere sympathy for what you're dealing with, and especially for having salt rubbed in the wound by JW's talking to you as if you are of no consequence.
As others have said, your problem - and solution - is with your wife.
I'd say absolutely nothing more to any active JW's regarding the matter.
JW's are anti-anyone & everyone who's not one of them. I wish you a quick and inexpensive conclusion to the situation.
All the best tomorrow!
Cart observations from Cardiff South Wales
by freddo ini was in a suburb of cardiff, capital of wales where it was difficult to get near to my customer's offices to deliver and install what i do.
i had my car parked about a hundred yards away and had to make several trips with goods and tools past a local jw trolley cart.
as i was working i didn't stop but observed much of the time from an upper floor office window.. in the hour or so i was there, on a warm sunny (for late february) lunchtime/early afternoon - right by a bus stop and several local shops, cafes and banks with plenty of people about - not one person stopped at the cart.. the two women at the cart i guess were about 50 and 75 respectively - pleasant looking motherly/grandmotherly types.
The Fall Guy
"........but we aim to be visible and direct people to our website" - the new JW mantra.
Many JW's sadly (and privately) probably admit that this is now their primary function.
"Preaching the good news of the kingdom" is now old light. The chariot has changed direction.
" It is the True Religion ! "
by Phizzy inspeaking to two jw's, separately and days apart, they both weaved in to the conversation the phrase " it is the true religion " .. now in neither case was it possible for me to do my usual thing, piling in with both guns blazing and pointing out that it is impossible for there to be any such thing as "the true religion", unless by "truth" you mean that which is true in your opinion and not supported by facts or reality etc etc.
my question is : is this mere coincidence, or has there been an article or something telling them to say this ?
if there is, could someone point me to it ?
The Fall Guy
How can the WTBTS's religion be true, when throughout their history they have continually reversed the truths which their parents and grandparents believed was "the truth?" (not new lights or more information - reversals!)
Just wait for them to ask for examples!